Friday, January 28, 2011

Froggy-in-the-Water Cupcakes

These cupcakes were something I found in The Princess and the Frog: Tiana's Cookbook: Recipes for Kids and they are called Froggy-in-the-Water Cupcakes. You can find the directions at Disney Dreaming for how to make these cupcakes.

I made these this evening for my 3 year old. We have yet to eat any of them as we had a big dinner tonight, but I'm sure we will dig into them tomorrow. I used a vanilla cake and then made a buttercream frosting, this buttercream frosting was a lot stiffer than the ones I've made in the past so it was a little hard to work with. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

French Toast Muffins

I made these this afternoon for my hubby to bring in for a morning meeting. I figured some yummy homemade muffins might make a morning meeting more palatable for those who aren't really morning people.

I made these once before for my son's teachers when we had a parent teacher meeting last academic year. I really love the idea of French Toast muffins for a group of people that I don't know a whole lot about, after all French Toast is a pretty common and beloved breakfast food and muffins are easy to bring with you. These muffins are sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon. 

Monster Cookies

A friend of mine recommended this cookie recipe to me recently and I thought it would be perfect to bring along as a snack for our outing to Disney tomorrow. These cookies have it all. They have peanut butter, they have raisins, they have chocolate chips, they have M&Ms, they have oatmeal and I don't remember what else there is in them. Anyhow, these cookies are far from what I normally bake but let me tell you these cookies are really good. My husband and I have each had 4 of them already and the little man had 2. I have a box of these ready to go for tomorrow and a wonderful friend of mine will also be seeing some of these very soon. The recipe is from Paula Deen's website. 

Charlotte's Coffee Cake

This is a recipe from a cookbook I bought to use with my son, The Princess and the Frog Tiana's Cookbook Recipes for Kids. I love to bake and cook with my son and make a bit of a math lesson for him out of it, he helps me count all the scoops of the different ingredients. This coffee cake has a cinnamon streusel swirled through the middle of the cake. This made a really nice special breakfast for a weekday morning. I made the cake last night so it had plenty of time to cool before I served it. We also had some wonderful coffee and orange juice with our coffee cake and then my husband brought the leftovers in to work with him so all of his co workers could enjoy some fresh coffee cake this morning too. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chocolate covered Mickey Rice Krispie Treats

This was just my first attempt at making Mickey Rice Krispie Treats. Why? I learned a a few things in this first attempt. The treats are not thick enough to be very sturdy so Mickey is prone to losing his ears easily. I think next time rather than spreading the Rice Krispie Treats out into a jelly roll pan and cutting them with my cookie cutter (I got this cutter at Disneyland, just in case you want to know) I will try just shoving the Rice Krispie Treats into the cookie cutter so I get a thicker Mickey cut out. My hope is that if the Mickey treats are thicker then the ears will not be as weak a point as they were in this batch. Also if the ears are not as weak a point then I can attempt dipping them in the chocolate rather than having to spread it on with a spatula (a last minute idea when I tried to pick these up to dip and realized they wouldn't survive being dipped in the chocolate).